This constellation is associated with Dilyéhé and Átsé Ets’ózí. The name Sò‘ Ahóts’i’í refers to doubtful or pinching stars. Pinching may allude to the closeness of the twin stars, while doubtful may refer to their parentage. Another story relating to the pinching concept refers to two women fighting, with their hands pulling each other’s hands, arms, and hair. The bright star of Aldebaran is the fire of the Twin Stars.
There is an interesting story about Sò‘ Ahóts’i’í which is part of a larger, more comprehen- sive story. According to the storytellers, Átsé Ets’ózí and Dilyéhé were arguing over which of them were the rightful parents of two beautiful twin girls. In Navajo the names of the girls are Sà’àh Naagháí and Bik’eh Hózhóón, loosely translated as Long Life and Happiness. These two terms embody the whole of life, in terms of complementarity.
When the girls attained maturity the Sun visited them and in time they gave birth to children. Sà’àh Naagháí, gave birth to a son, Yé’iitsoh, who became one of the monsters who terrorized people on earth. Bik’eh Hózhóón gave birth to twin sons, who became the Hero Twins in Navajo oral histories: Naayéé Neizgháni and Tóbájishchíní (Monster Slayer and Born For Water). These twin boys eventually visited their father the Sun, and received weapons with which they slayed most of the monsters on earth. The Hero Twins have their own stars, close to Sò‘ Ahóts’i’í.
Changing Woman is a beloved deity of the Navajo. She represents the cyclical processes of growth and regeneration of all life. In the Navajo oral histories, she was found on the top of a mountain by Talking God and raised by First Man and First Woman. The Sun was the father of her twin sons, Monster Slayer and Born For Water. She is thus one and the same with Bik’eh Hózhóón, one of the two twin girls, in the Sò‘ Ahóts’i’í constellation.
White Bead Woman is a form of Changing Woman. In some stories they are separate female energies and in some stories they are one and the same. White Bead Woman is a beautiful female who gives birth to Yé’iitsoh, one of the monsters. The father of her son is the Sun. She is identified with Sà’àh Naagháí in the constellation Sò‘ Ahóts’i’í.