Of all birds in Native American mythology, the eagle is the most important as symbol, sacrificial / ceremonial presence, and ultimate predator/ warrior. The solitary mystery and power of the eagle as perceived by the Indian was immediately grasped by the emerging nation of the United States, and "borrowed" for its logo. Pg. 192
The Gift of the Gila Monster, Navajo Ceremonial Tales; 1993; Gerald Hausman.
Don't bother baby hawks or eagles. You'll get a rash or sores on your body. Pg. 82
Navajo Taboos; 1991, Ernie Bulow.
Eagles ('atsa) (P, H), expert and powerful fliers, are believed to derive from Cliff Monster. Scavenger of the Bead Chant placed in an eagle's nest by hostile pueblo people, refused to deliver the eaglets to them. He lived with the Eagles for some time, learning about their home and their customs. When the old Eagles came home at night, they took off their downy garments, which opened down the front, revealing human forms in white suits which were never removed. Eagle feathers were of great value to the Navaho in their ceremonies, but the Eagles of this story shook skin diseases, sores, irritations, and itching on their enemies. The bald eagle is held to be the 'first' or ' chief.' In the story of the Eagle Chant, Monster Slayer, learning the details of eagle catching, did not make the chant symbol until he was able, by repeating his experiments, to catch a bald eagle. Hill's account of eagle catching should be compared with the stories of the Eagle and Bead chants; each record has much to contribute to the others (Reichard, Shooting Chant ms.; 1939, pp. 26-36; Haile 1938b, p.121; Matthews 1897, pp. 195-208; Newcomb 1940b, pp.50-97).